Case #3 – Low Back Pain
The patient:
- 73 yr old male
The problems:
- Pain for the past month.
- He stood up from a chair and immediately felt very intense pain in his low back.
- He went to the emergency room and was given codeine and anti-inflammatories.
- Then went to his family doctor and was recommended to see a chiropractor.
- X-rays showed nothing significant according to his family doctor.
- Pain is now rated as 9 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain ever).
- Pain is better with heat and TENs unit.
- Patient has had to stop his regular exercise routine.
- Patient has a hard time standing up, and he gets pain shooting into his heels.
- Medications: coversyl, tamsulosin, ezetrol, lipidil, aspirin.
- Supplements: fish oil, CoQ 10, vitamin D, acidophilus, multivitamin.
What we found:
- Orthopedic testing revealed lumbar spine misalignments at L4-5.
- Muscle spasm and trigger points in the low back, especially on the right.
What we recommended:
- Trial of spinal mobilization with the percussor and acupuncture for 6 visits to see how he responds to care.
- Continue all supplements but dosages were changed to therapeutic dosages.
- Stretching/strengthening program to be added when patient improves.
What the patient actually did:
- This patient followed all of our recommendations.
The results:
- After 1st treatment:
- Pain decreased to 5 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain ever).
- At 4th visit:
- Added stretching program.
- At 10th visit:
- Pain 1-2 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain ever).
- He was very satisfied and discharged himself from care shortly after.