In Ontario, chiropractic is a medical profession that focuses on problems of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects these problems have on general health. Patients see chiropractors mostly to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including back pain, neck pain, pain in the arms or legs, and headaches.
Chiropractors practice a hands-on approach to treatment, commonly referred to as “spinal manipulation” or “adjustment.” The purpose of spinal manipulation is to restore joint mobility to joints that are “stuck”, “jammed”, or restricted in their movement. Joint mobility can get compromised by poor posture, repetitive movements, and injuries. Next, the tissues (cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone) undergo physical and chemical changes, including inflammation, cartilage degeneration, scar tissue activation, even pain. Spinal manipulation to the affected joint will restore mobility, thereby allowing tissues to heal, inflammation to decline, and alleviation of pain and muscle tightness.
Take the Next Step
Not sure if chiropractic can help you? Call or email our office and talk to Dr. Carri directly to see if you are a good candidate for chiropractic.